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Thursday 26 April 2018

2018 Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award- Funding Available

Takeda Foundation
Call for Applications (or Nominations) for the 2018 Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award.The Takeda Foundation has put out a call for applications for the Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award.

 What is the Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award ?
The Award targets young entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial individuals who challenge technological or social needs in the real world. The Takeda Foundation believes that the challenging activities of young individuals trying to address real technological and social needs will lead to the creation of goods and services that enhance the well-being of people throughout the world, which is the mission of the Foundation.
The Awardee will be selected from among the candidates who apply for the Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award. Candidates should submit an application paper describing the background of the targeted issue, and his or her ideas for a solution to address that issue in 1000 words or less with figures (within 3 pages). They are also requested to submit a supporting report (in 300 words or less) written by an individual who receives benefit from the solution.
The Takeda Young Entrepreneurship Award will be given to the individuals who propose the most creative and promising projects with a high potential for enhancing the well being of people at the site. The Takeda Foundation will select the Best Entrepreneur and 5 Entrepreneurs. The recipient of the Best Entrepreneur Award will receive a diploma, plaque and monetary prize of 1,000,000 Japanese yen. Each recipient of the Entrepreneur Award will receive a diploma, plaque and a monetary prize of 200,000Japanese yen.
The Takeda Foundation awaits the nominations or self-applications of young individuals who challenge technological or social needs to enhance the well being of people throughout the world.

Ⅱ. Application Period : April 1 to June 30, 2018
Ⅲ. Application
1. Applicant : Anyone who is under 40 years old as of April 1, this year, regardless of gender,
affiliation, and nationality.
2. Application fields : Any field that can improve the well being of people.
3. Registration : Please register at  here  before you submit the application form.
You will receive your reception number and an address for submission of your application form.
4. Application form : URL for down loading the Application form will be sent to you after registration.
5. Contents of Application Form : should include the items listed below.
1) Applicant Information should be included in the application form.
2) The application form contains Project Description which should include the following items (within 1000 English words in total). Figures or tables can be attached if they are within 3 pages.
(a) Background (Technological or/and social needs, and social impact)
(b) Solutions (Technical solutions and business model, competitiveness with other solutions, advantages (benefits/cost), etc.)
(c) Attempt (How seriously are you involved in your project? What are the milestones for this project? Do you expect any public funds? Have you organized any groups to develop your project?)
3) Supporting report: Please ask beneficiaries (at least one) to describe within 300 words the kinds and degree of benefit he or she expects to receive when your project is achieved. Please keep in mind that supporting reports are not a recommendation letter from your mentor. They are reports from individuals who will receive benefits from your project. If you produce goods or service, then consumers will be your beneficiaries.
6. Application method : To be announced soon.
Ⅳ. Selection:should include the items listed below.
1. The selection involves document examination and an on-line individual
2. presentation by the selected candidates. The document examination will start August, and the online individual presentation will be held in October.
3. The selection results will be announced in early November.
4. The awarding ceremony and workshop will be held in February, 2018.
Ⅴ. For inquiry
Please send mail to
Your plan
  • should have the potential to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by an amount you can roughly estimate
  • should be developed enough to execute
  • should be realisable as a usable product or service within the next two years
  • should preferably have integrated Cradle2Cradle principles in the designs
Besides these criteria, the jury will also look at factors such as: communication potential, courageousness and creativity.
 You should
  • be willing to bring your idea to market yourself, and to commit to working with any organisation necessary for developing the product and/or implementing the service
  • be 18 years or older
  • agree with all our Terms & Conditions
  • fully complete all the questions on the entry form in English
  • be willing to attend the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge in Amsterdam if you are selected as a finalist to present your idea to the jury (reasonable travel and lodging expenses for one person per finalist will be reimbursed)
  • The five finalists of the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge win a minimum of €100,000, the runner-up receives €200,000 and the winner takes the grand prize of € 500,000. But it takes more than prize money alone to become successful and create impact.
  • On behalf of the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge, Rockstart organises a several months long tailored accelerator program for the five finalists, the Green Challenge Deep Dive.
  • The program is aimed at identifying the start-ups’ biggest challenges and to provide them with mentorship and valuable connections to become investor ready.
  • Until 1 June 2018 12:00 CEST you can complete your application.
  • The preliminary jury will announce the 25 nominees Mid-July.
  • Mid-August the preliminary jury will announce the five finalists.
  • On 13 September 2018 the five finalists will pitch their business plans for an international jury and selected audience.
How to Apply:
Visit the link below to apply for this opportunity
Application Deadline: June 1st 2018

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