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Thursday 3 May 2018

School Enterprise Challenge 2018 (Student-led, Business Start-Up Competition for Schools around the World)

School Enterprise Challenge 2018
The School Enterprise Challenge is an international business programme for schools run by the educational charity Teach A Man To Fish.

It guides and supports teachers and students to plan and set up real, sustainable school businesses. Students get the chance to gain hands-on experience of running a real business and generate real profits to help support their school or a social cause of their choice.
Schools have set up an amazing variety of businesses. In 2017, more than 6000 schools from over 100 countries registered to take part and the businesses students set up ranged from fly fishing in Belize, to an inter-schools newspaper in India and a car wash in South Africa.
The programme empowers students to develop essential 21st century skills in a fun and interactive way. Schools have the chance to get recognized at an international level and win prizes along the way for their outstanding work and impact.
The School Enterprise Challenge runs all year around. There are three certificate levels for schools to take part in: BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD.
The School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme is FREE to join and offers a wide range of learning and award opportunities for both students and teachers. Here are just some of the benefits of taking part:
  • Teach 21st century skills in a fun and innovative way-take learning out of the classroom and into the real world
  • Experience planning and running a REAL business
  • Raise extra income for your school
  • Become part of a global community of enterprising schools
  • Work towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold level certificate
  • Win a place at our regional conference and up to $5,000 for your school
  • Win the Inspirational Teacher Prize of $1,000
  • Enterprising students can win cameras and laptops
Getting Connected:
Throughout the School Enterprise Challenge we provide extra opportunities for participating schools, including:
  • A mentorship programme for schools that want to receive extra support from a business mentor.
  • A school partnership programme connecting enterprising schools around the world to support each other, exchange learnings and share experiences.
  • Global events and mini competitions supporting the development of new skills and an opportunity for schools to be recognized on a global scale.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, kindly visit the link below
Application Deadline: 16th May 2018.

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